Monday, July 1, 2013

My home- made Caramel Strawberry Syahdu Merindu!

Inspired by 'Masterchef Malaysia'..

Hahaha.. First and foremost, Congrats to our Celebrity Masterchef winner, Ms Syura, although my bet was for Selina.. :P

Towards the end of the show, i got to admit that they impressed me so much, with how they chose the ingredients, the techniques that they used to prepare the food and ofcoz the presentation on the plates.. I took all into account and picked my favorite.. :) (shhh, not that i followed the show religiously, but Cik Ta is so cute!! Pulak dah! kekekeke)

The food is one thing, the taste is another, but the name that they chose to address their "masterpiece/food" was very funny, that sometimes it just turned us.. ON.. erggg, i mean OFF.. Hehehe..
Okay, you are free to laugh now.. Looking at mine, mine is different as it is sounded so delicious right?? Hahahaha.. :P #beingsarcastic! :P

Okay, this is my home- made Caramel Strawberry Syahdu Merindu.. Lepas makan, sila menangis! Kekeke.. :P

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